Wednesday, January 20, 2010

An Idea Is Born

Grazing and Giving was an idea I hatched a few months ago when I was trying to figure out a way to see more of my friends, who all have very full lives, and at the same time give back. OK, and, I admit it, try out some recipes on unsuspecting, trusting and hungry folks. So GG, as I affectionately call it, resulted from both personal and altruistic motives. The idea is this: a monthly gathering, a potluck of sorts, to reconnect with old friends or a place to make new ones. Coby and I will be making a couple of simple dishes and anyone that wants to connect with their inner Julia Child or if you are just wanting to experiment with a new recipe, we welcome all food. But I know that cooking is not everyone's forte nor does everyone want to prepare food all the time so just joining us and contributing to the festivities is just as important. So that is the Grazing part.

I am lucky enough to be surrounded by generous, amazing, and talented people that have inspired me and I would like to create an atmosphere that I have been so lucky to bask in. So that is where the Giving part comes into play. I thought that we could share some of what we have with those who need it most. I thought as a group we could pick an organization and contribute every month at our GG meetings. Then at the end of the year we will present the collection to the chosen non-profit cause, a Christmas present of sorts. I am open to ideas on how to choose a group but my initial thoughts were to pick three local charities, display informational materials at the January event along with a bin associated with each and the one that has the most dineros will determine the organization we will be donating to for the rest of the year. I am asking to give what you can. I was thinking along the lines of what you would have spent on a meal for you and your family but I want to stress that you should contribute only what you can, there are no minimums and if you aren't in a place to donate we still want your exquisite company.

Now to the logistics: I am starting this blog so that it is easier to communicate with everyone, post any changes, collect ideas, discuss menus and collaborate on what to expect, especially in the food and drink arena. So here are the details that I will be putting in the invitation:

Place: Coby&Dani's Casa
704 Colonial Park Blvd
Austin TX 78745
When: January 31st
Starting at 4pm

Things that will not make it on the invitation:
Veggie Pot Pie Chowder
w/Pie Crust Crackers
Just Like Your Mom Makes
Spaghetti & 'Meat' Sauce

Also Coby will be putting on his kneading gloves and creating some bread masterpieces. With the exception of the piecrust crackers, I think that everything listed will actually be vegan so those of you who are vegans, counting calories or just vowing to eat healthier you should be covered. If any of that changes I will update it here. So that is it in a long winded nutshell. I would appreciate any ideas or contributions creative or otherwise.